On Monday we didn't do much at all just a normal day at school.
On Tuesday we went to Narbonne for history on Rome it was
really interesting and we got to see the real old Romain roads and
we got to make a collage it was cool then in the after noon we went
to this huge tunnel i don't know what it was used for but it was all
dark and Anais was really sceared.
on Wednesday day at kayak we went from CZ to ALB i capsized but
there were 6 capzisions that day. on Thursday we did nothing on
Friday as well .
hunt through her village i was SO tired after then 10 minutes before
we had to leave we had a huge water fight it was so funny but cold then
later on that night Evonne CG and i had a girl night and at 9 i went to the salle du fete with Lynn and we were dancing lol.
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