Wednesday, 19 September 2007


today i woke got redy for school i was soo tired. i got to school felt soo bad i felt like i had no friends no1 liked me and every one was fed up with trying to help me [yes it was monday]i got on the bus nearly crying just very sad and lonely. i got home and cryed my eyes out C.G asked me wot was wrong i explaned to her what had happend.
the next day was much better i have now sorted out who i want to spend the next year with [for friends] i think thesee girls are the ones that wont goo off and have little primry school girl fights i dont have the time for that .

1 comment:

Sadabbott said...

Jeez - what r u going to be like with your "monthlies" when they arrive?? Chin up, girl - just think, you are in the south of France on an extended holiday; what is there to be miz about that, I ask you?