One very boring morning George came round to our place [Pol was still here] and said do you want to go to limoux on the bikes, and we said yes of course, so at 2:00 we left its about 4 km to limoux then after about 2 km there was this sharp turn and i sped down it and flew of my bike and cut my leg open it was really deep so George gave me his bandanna tie around it and then we carried on,we turned up at CGs work with blood dripping down my leg. it was so deep that now it has scard and my bone has built a little bit of bone on top to protect it, it looks funny.
We picked up Karina at the airport and since we were at the airport we went and saw the tower and i gave them chocolate as usual and i gave a box to the check in ladies. Stefan has had a new baby.
There was a film festival that went on for 3 days in the village the first day i met up with a friend from school.
Then the second night Pol left to go back to Spain, then on the 3rd night it was just the winning films and then an Australian band (Rob Sawyer) played and in the end they gave me their drum stick and a CD signed by the band.
CG Japanese friends, Suzuki sensei, Hitoshi & Shiho came to stay for 2 days and one night this is what we managed to do:
.we went wine tasting , once in Castel Negre and once in Limoux it was fun.
.went to rennes le chateau looking for treasure.
.we went to arques donjon.
.ville rouge termenes Cathar castle.
.abbey de frontfroide a huge castle type church .
.then we went to the beach at Gruissan.
I went to the beach with Thierry and the gang for the afternoon first we went to the port and got these huge ice creams with lots and lots of cream then we went to the beach but their was no waves so we didn't get to boogie board but we did swim little bit.